Today I Learned how to set up a Rails development environment on Solus. I’ve been running the Solus distribution for a couple of months now. I wanted to move over some of my local development environments from my Fedora laptop. This is a little bit of a challenge if you’re used to mainstream Linux distributions (mainstream Linux seems like a bit of a oxymoron) with familiar tools such as apt or yum. Solus is pretty new and not forked from another distro. It has its own packaging system called ‘eopkg’. These are the steps I had to take to get a Rails environment up and running and deployed using Heroku.
First I had to install all the packages needed to get Rails up and running:
sudo eopkg install -c system.devel
sudo eopkg install ruby-devel
sudo eopkg install sqlite3-devel
sudo eopkg install nodejs
sudo gem install rails
Since I was using postgres, I also had to run the following:
sudo eopkg install postgresql
sudo eokpkg install postgresql-devel
All that’s left is to download and install the Heroku command line client:
wget -O heroku.tar.gz
tar zxvf heroku.tar.gz
cd heroku
sudo install
After the Heroku client finished installing, I was able to clone my Rails projects and get them up and running.