Are you looking for a cheap way to run your personal Perforce server? Need a quick and dirty way to serve your website from it? This could be your next easy Raspberry Pi 2 project.
1.) On your Raspberry Pi, run:
2.) Change permissions so that the files are executable:
chmod +x p4
chmod +x p4d
3.) Move the files to the bin directory:
sudo mv p4* /usr/local/bin
4.) Start p4d:
mkdir /home/pi/p4root
p4d -r /home/pi/p4root -p raspberrypi:1666 -d
5.) Create a Perforce workspace:
mkdir /home/pi/p4client
cd /home/pi/p4clienti p4 -p raspberrypi:1666 client
Note: vim will start, perform a :wq [enter]
6.) Create a test index.html file:
echo "<html> Hello World! </html>" > index.html
7.) Submit it to your Perforce server:
p4 -p raspberrypi:1666 add index.html
p4 -p raspberrypi:1666 submit -d "Adding index.html to my raspberry pi p4 server"
8.) Start the builtin python HTTP server that comes with the Raspian image:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
9.) Open a browser and point to
Now you have a Perforce server and your versioned website running on your Raspberry Pi.
This is a slightly updated article that was original published on the Perforce Corporate Blog.